Becoming an RSO:
- Follow the RSO registration steps in the handbook
- Name
- Logo
- Faculty Advisor
- Elect officers
- Leadership positions
- Constitution/bylaws
- There is a constitution layout for WMU constitutions attached
- Equal opportunity statement, we don't discriminate
- We will have to re-register the RSO every fall
Educate People:
- Invite people to come give talks
- Educational events
- Can get funding through WSA allocations, partners with them or CAB and will get the name out there of the RSO and event
- Colleges in the US where students go to dining halls, they save leftover food and provide it to those in the community in need.
- This can help WMU to become even more sustainable... by having less waste
Things to do:
- Make people aware
- Food pantry on campus
- Other food needs & other issues in the community
- Create an RSO
- What is being done?
- What more can we do?
- Food waste
- Food availability
Sounds great! Can't wait to be apart of these! Thanks for taking notes.